Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jealous Love

Hosea. The story of a man trusting God. The story of an undeserving woman receiving unconditional love.

This story is powerful and an amazing example of God's love. Hosea married his wife, a prostitute... And he loved her. Even though she left him numerous times to return to her old life... He never held her sins against  her. Even though he suffered he had a forgiving love that would not give up!

How perfect of an illustration of us and our loving Father! Gods love is so strong for us that even if the mistakes we have made or are making are painful for him... He is always holding his arms wide open patiently waiting for us to run to him with naked abandonment!

God desires us, just as Hosea desired his wife...a jealous, raw, no comparison kind of love! The question to ask is... "I'm I allowing  God's love to penetrate my every thought? My every action?"  

I am remind of the words to a worship song... #myfave... I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his love and mercy!  How far are you bending?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Last Week

Last Thursday we were celebrating Thanksgiving....How fast a week can go by! There is a lot of planning, organization and money that goes into that awesome lunch (or dinner). There is such a build up when it comes to thanksgiving. Our Tv, movies, commercial, our families, our church,our work places.... do such a great job of putting us in the mind set of being thankful. We are asked who/what are we thankful for. We evaluate our lives, to thoughtfully consider who/what we take for granted. And then.... comes Black Friday. A day filled with pushing, shoving, being the first in line, getting the deals, buying what we don't need. (Now don't get me wrong I was up at 4am shopping too! :p )!? How can we make thanksgiving a natural reaction in our everyday?
My 2year old is a perfect example for us! You make him lunch, take off his shoes, unbuckle him, hand him a toy, read him a book,change his diaper...whatever it is he ALWAYS says thank you! Sometimes twice! If he is crying, mad, happy, sad,throwing a tantrum, he still ALWAYS stops and says thank you! I don't even have to remind him anymore, it is so natural for him. He thanks family, friends, strangers, our dog...No matter how cute this is (and what a good mom I seem like because of my well mannered son) The best part is he makes eye contact and the look in his eyes is so sincere you can't help but feel happy to receive his thank-you:)
Who can you touch by your thankful attitude today?
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