Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jealous Love

Hosea. The story of a man trusting God. The story of an undeserving woman receiving unconditional love.

This story is powerful and an amazing example of God's love. Hosea married his wife, a prostitute... And he loved her. Even though she left him numerous times to return to her old life... He never held her sins against  her. Even though he suffered he had a forgiving love that would not give up!

How perfect of an illustration of us and our loving Father! Gods love is so strong for us that even if the mistakes we have made or are making are painful for him... He is always holding his arms wide open patiently waiting for us to run to him with naked abandonment!

God desires us, just as Hosea desired his wife...a jealous, raw, no comparison kind of love! The question to ask is... "I'm I allowing  God's love to penetrate my every thought? My every action?"  

I am remind of the words to a worship song... #myfave... I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his love and mercy!  How far are you bending?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Last Week

Last Thursday we were celebrating Thanksgiving....How fast a week can go by! There is a lot of planning, organization and money that goes into that awesome lunch (or dinner). There is such a build up when it comes to thanksgiving. Our Tv, movies, commercial, our families, our church,our work places.... do such a great job of putting us in the mind set of being thankful. We are asked who/what are we thankful for. We evaluate our lives, to thoughtfully consider who/what we take for granted. And then.... comes Black Friday. A day filled with pushing, shoving, being the first in line, getting the deals, buying what we don't need. (Now don't get me wrong I was up at 4am shopping too! :p )!? How can we make thanksgiving a natural reaction in our everyday?
My 2year old is a perfect example for us! You make him lunch, take off his shoes, unbuckle him, hand him a toy, read him a book,change his diaper...whatever it is he ALWAYS says thank you! Sometimes twice! If he is crying, mad, happy, sad,throwing a tantrum, he still ALWAYS stops and says thank you! I don't even have to remind him anymore, it is so natural for him. He thanks family, friends, strangers, our dog...No matter how cute this is (and what a good mom I seem like because of my well mannered son) The best part is he makes eye contact and the look in his eyes is so sincere you can't help but feel happy to receive his thank-you:)
Who can you touch by your thankful attitude today?
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Monday, November 7, 2011

Building Requires A Plan

The wise woman builds her house, the foolish woman with her own hands, tears it down. This is one of my life scriptures! As I was reading this morning I was challenged with a different angle of this verse. ***Because I have found that this is the way God works....He takes your favorite scripture, the one you know the best, the one you have perfectly memorized, the one that you are comfortable with....and He shows you there's more to it :) *****
In light of this scripture I have set in my heart to be that wise woman! No one wants to be foolish, right!? I have made a choice to be ever mindful of the words I say and my actions towards my children and husband.
Great! And this is a nice start.... but what is my plan, my blue prints, my vision?
Am I building a nice house for now, or one that will last for generations? How will my house hold in the storms, or even during a little rain? Any house that is built requires a Plan! The plan to be a Godly/Wise women, wife,sister,mother... demands your whole life and much sacrifice. It is not and will not be simple or easy. Do not let this discourage you or scare you, because as with any successfully built house the results will be worth the efforts. Take time this week, today, or right now to revisit or start your plan. There are many stages of life... and whatever stage you are in it is never too early or too late to evaluate your plan! Consider your time in prayer/meditation,your flexibility to the Holy Spirit, your education/resources, available mentors/role model, daily preparation, self evaluating, and/or training do you need? Who can you talk to? What books can you read? As the old cheesey but true cliche says: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Faith in times of Fear

Fear, such a powerful little four letter word. Lately I have realized that I fear more then I realize. Its easy to get caught up in worry or to start planning for things to go wrong, we like to have another option if things don't go the way we want.

But did you ever stop to think that maybe those thoughts are what is keeping us from what God has for us? If we say we believe in God and his plans and purpose for us, then we have to take our hand off the situation. We have to stop trying to manufacture the blessing we want to recieve from God.

Abraham was quite guilty of this, we read in Genesis all the times he started to doubt, he started to take things into his own hands and then asked where God was at, and why the things he promised were not coming to pass. God told him, He would be the father of many nations yet he was old and without a child. But God wasn't surprised by this!!

And Abraham realized that it was God's faithfulness that proved true. He failed and failed and failed, but God came through in the end.

Jesus wants us to have unlimited faith...he doesn't need our advice or plan he just wants us to trust him and believe for the impossible!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today is my Nephew's birthday! He is ONE year old TODAY:) I can't believe how fast life can go by sometimes... but like my own son who will be turning two in the coming month, I have enjoyed seeing them hit their milestones. They didn't always hit their milestones at the same time... My adventurous nephew started walking at 9 months, whereas my cautious son was still (barley) crawling at that time.:) As my sister and I would tease eachother over which child was more advanced...we knew that basically their were equal. They both hit their important milestones, and they both continue to grown and learn together everyday.
BUT.... what if they stopped growing, what if they regressed from walking back to crawling, or not moving at all. Or what if the solid foods they both ate were replaced with bottles once again? This would be a big cause for concern!
In Hebrews we see that this exact thing has happened:
Hebrews 5:12 NIV
"In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!"
When you read this passage you can feel the disappointment, but also the concern. This passage is not about regression in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense! They should be teaching others The Word, instead, they resorted back to their spiritual infant stage.

Where in our own lives have we slipped back to our comfortable bottles?
The words we say, the people we hang out with? Skipping church or bible study, not reading our bible? Not spending time with God?
Reflect this week on your spiritual growth, is there someone who can tell you the truth or help mentor you, like the writer in Hebrews.
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Understanding the Why?

Well again its been awhile!! We have found out its hard to juggle work, family, church and blogging!

But anyways as we continue to try harder, I wanted to share what I have been learning this last month...

At times I have felt very far from God, with no hunger or ambition to dig deep into him or to spend time in prayer, week after week I have been struggling!

There are some things in my life right now that aren't really going as planned and I seem to get frustrated and impatient. Then in starts the wrong thinking of ,"c'mon God can't you see me here! Aren't you hearing my prayers- why aren't you answering!" But the thing is, he is answering, just not the way I want him to!
I am reminded that things do not always go as I planned, and of Jeremiah 29:11-13:

For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with ALL your heart.

God knows he sees all and he is not surprised! He knows my struggles, my pain, my longing and he does not take it lightly. Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves that we don't see the way he is patiently drawing us to him. Even if we shrug him off, or don't acknowledge it, he still continues to encourage us, to help us. The verse above says seek me with ALL your heart! What does All mean? Its means with every fiber of your being! Everything!

He has everything figured out, he knows our desires and he knows what is best for us. We might not understand the why? but then again why do we have to? Aren't we supposed to trust that his plan is perfect, that out of everything he brings good?

So again, I am encouraged that even though my life might not be going as I had hoped. God's got me, and he is patiently working on me to help me become the person he wants me to be. His plan and purpose is way better then mine!
He sees eternity, I only see right now!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We have lots of different kinds of fear... Fear of the unknown, fear of a new place, fear of new people, fear of God...

The last one though is the most prevalent! I don't think we have the fear of God we need in our lives. I don't think we understand what this means to have a fear of God. We think of fear in negative terms, but its not. It's being in awe at an amazing God that has the power of life and death!

I was reading a book about Rahab and it really shook me...she didn't know God, she didn't see the miracles he preformed like the Israelites did. All she knew was what she heard about Him and yet she had a fear of God. Not until she saw Jericho crumble and her life sparred did she see the mightiness of the God of the Israelites. She had faith that many people did not understand....She had a fear of the Lord that no fear of men could overcome!

And it shakes me because here I sit, and think do i have a fear of God...or am i more scared of what that person may say about me, or what would happen if...

But when you live in fear of man, you are not allowing God to write your destiny, you are not allowing him to use you.

I challenge you, this week...find what it means to fear God, move out of your comfort zone and allow him in to search your heart and make changes in your life! Allow him to use you to reach others, to go and make disciples!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You are Gods ugly duckling!

I read an article this week commenting on the "fact" that all newborns are ugly. That is to everyone except for the newborns parents, of course. No matter how cradle cap, baby acne, chubby,drooly or bald YOUR baby is.... he/she is YOUR baby and your love for them is hard to put into words! When my sweet baby Joshy was born he was prefect from the start and no one could/would tell me or my husband different :)
God feels the same about us! He is not naive to our flaws, instead he made a wonderful plan, an ultimate sacrifice to bring us closer to Him once again.
God doesn't look down from Heaven and see a lump of people, he sees YOU!

Hebrews 10:14 NIV

For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

Can you view yourself as Gods precious newborn?
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Future Glory

Lately I have been easily discouraged about my present situations...I try to stay positive and take my thoughts captive #lifegroup And as we all know this is harder then it sounds!

So, I wanted to share what God has been teaching me through this time. 

Romans 8 talks about living in the Spirit, it shows us that our present state is not worth comparing to the future glory ahead of us. We share in the sufferings that we may also share in HIS GLORY. There is nothing that could be worth more. And God works for the good of those who love him.

Ecclesiastes 3 A time for everything-
vs 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 
vs 22 ...For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?

Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens are higher then the earth, so are my ways higher then your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Everything has a season... every trial we face has a season, it comes and it goes. What is important is how we face that trial, what our attitude is like in our suffering.

Whenever I start to get discouraged I think about my future Glory, HIS Glory and I am encouraged. His will for me is far better then my plan. It is a part of life to have trials and sufferings, and I need to use it as a time to learn, to grow deeper in him, it then becomes easier for me to trust him to lean on him.

I pray that you too are encouraged and that you can run to a lovely amazing Father who is ready to take on your every need! His arms are open as he waits patiently for us to turn from our plans and run to him!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tree Hugger! Part Two!

Last time we talked about being a healthy/prosperous tree. Yay! We looked at Psalm 1:3 (NIV)
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
A healthy/prosperous tree yields the right fruit in the right season, and has beautiful green leaves! But this tree did not magically become so healthy/Strong/prosperous by accident... The verse gives a hint as to why this is a successful tree... see it? It is planted by the streams of water! What does that mean? Well for one, a stream is always flowing... it brings in fresh, cool, clean water. The heathly/prosperous tree is not planted by a stagnant pond, or in the middle of a parking lot. Okay, okay... I think we get the tree analogy...but what about the streams of water? To understand that more let's read the beginning again: it says "That person". Okay, that didn't help...what person? Great question! Let read the previous verse...Psalm 1:2 (NIV)
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
The stream is a constant flow of the word of God! This is the key to producing fruit, the right fruit... the key to the beautiful green leaves and the key to being that healthy/prosperous tree!
The plant's roots can drink in the fresh water and the tree does so continuously! Never do the roots pull themselves out and say..."okay I got my fill stream you can stop flowing" But we say that to God sometimes don't we. I know I do it by hitting the snooze button instead of getting up to drink in his word. I do it by pulling my roots out and letting the bugs of bitterness, or fear or anger eat at them. Take today to evaluate your the stream you are drinking from, who or what is feeding your roots. Pray that God will open your eyes to the areas that need washing by the stream ( Gods stream ) in your life! :)
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tree Hugger! PART ONE!

I want to be a tree! but not just any tree...Psalm 1:3 (NIV) says:
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

I want/need to be a HEALTHY, a PROSPEROUS tree. What is a healthy/prosperous tree? One that yields the right fruit in the right season! God has called you to be a certain kind of tree. You may be bearing fruit, but is it the right kind? If you planted an apple tree and one season it produced cherries, or what if after that mid season it switched to lemons!? Yes, you would still have fruit, but not the kind you planted/purposed for that tree! Matthew 12:13 (NIV) talks about a "tree is recognized by its fruit." Most people won't know a walnut tree or a pear tree or a whatelse grows on trees? .... until they see the fruit! (Unless you are my husband, but my little horticultural geek does not count) God has a purpose and a plan for all of the trees that he plants! Ask yourself: 1) are you bearing fruit?
2) are you bearing the fruit that He (God) designed you for?
If you answered "no" or "maybe" or "I'm not sure" to either questions then talk to God, seek and pray AND stay tuned for "part two" because we will dig into more of Ps 1:3!
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Friday, July 22, 2011

The CALL to be Married

Where does time go! Its been almost a month since our last post!!! But good things come to those who wait :) And whats better then talking about marriage! Right?!
Lately I have been struggling/pondering/wrestling with the idea of what a wife is supposed to look like. I have read and re-read many verses that talk about being a wife...but I was having trouble grasping the idea to walk it out.

In Ephesians it says: Wives submit to your Husbands as unto the Lord, and Husbands love your Wives as Christ loves the church.

This passage about marriage is so rich! This is what marriage was created for, to show the world a glimpse of God's love for his people, his church!!
As a wife I am called to submit to my husband, to come under his authority, to trust that he will take care of me. A husband is then called to give unconditional, self-sacrificing love to his wife as Jesus did for us!
This verse explains to us that Men are to reflect the strength, love and sacrifice of Christ. And Women are to reflect the character, grace and beauty of the bride He redeemed.

We are showing the world what Jesus looks like... How many times I have fallen short of this worthy calling?

The character, grace and beauty of the bride he redeemed....this is our model. We are showing the world the beauty of the church that is betrothed to Jesus.

Submission is a choice, it is surrendering your will and voluntarily deciding to come under your husband and support him, in everything. To respect him.

We are a parable to a redemptive plan that is far outside our understanding. We are in a beautiful mystery that began when the world was created!

I encourage you to read Ephesians for yourself. Read about this wonderful mystery of God's love for his bride!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Like A Seal

When I think about Blogging, I can easily get lost in the world of knowledge, it seems there is so much to say and so much to share...but to not overload you I instead want to post a passage from Song of Solomon. Meditate on this word, let it bring you to a new revelation of God's love for you!

    Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death. its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
 Song of Solomon 7:6-7

This youtube video is of one of my favorite songs right it and let the words penetrate!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Some things never happen

Do you ever wish you could rewind life, or freeze time? Go back in time and tell yourself as a child, a teenager or a young adult to do this or don't do that...
How much time have you stolen from the present dwelling on the past? You feel that regret build up inside of you, that guilt!
Has that regret or guilt turned into anger or deep sadness? Do you think on the past and blame your parents, husband, wife kids....
God does NOT want us to live this way!
He has a path for our lives, one that is paved with zero regrets!
The Devil uses our regrets/guilt/anger to keep us in a coma of the past! Break free and follow the path God has for you. He sent his one and only son for you. He will FORGIVE and HEAL your past mistakes. Pray and ask God to direct your path. Don't live in the past any longer, seek everyday to be filled with the presence of God. Everyday is a new day!

Psalm 16:11 NIV
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Love- Such a vast word, we use it almost too frequently. I was writing a text to my mom this morning and saying how much I love the earings she got me, then in the next sentance I wrote, I love you. And I paused for a moment...I used the word Love twice, once talking about a thing and then the next talking about my feelings for my mom.  It just didn't feel adequate enough!!

But we do this constantly, and I think the meaning for the word gets lost along the way. Love such an amazing word, such a deep word. I think we almost shrug it off sometimes, or say it with out the feeling behind it.
And I think the love that gets the most screwed up is the Love that Jesus has for us. I don't think we comprehend that love enough. Because if we did we would realize that nothing else matters!

John 15:9- "As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you. Now remain in my love."

Wow, as the Father loved Jesus- Can you even imagine that love? It gives me a warm fuzzing feeling just thinking about the love God has for his Son. And that is how Jesus feels about me! Whoa, thats intense! Its a love nothing can break, its a love that is self sacrificing, patient, kind, enduring....God's love for his Son is a perfect LOVE! And this is how Jesus feels about you and me...what a humbling thought, what an amazing feeling.

My prayer today is that you would know the LOVE God has for you. That it would not be something you hear and shrug off, that you would feel the instanceness of his Love.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
-Ephesians 3:16-19

Friday, June 10, 2011

What do you do?

Have you ever had someone ask you..."What do you do?" And maybe you felt proud to talk about you job, or maybe you tried to make excuses for where you are at or.... maybe you even lied about your job. Why do we do this? Our worth is not in our occupation! Our worth is in following the plan that God has set for us. Whether you are a doctor, a waitress, a stay at home parent, a student, a missionary.... It is about the people we are reaching, Jesus' love we are spreading, and relationships we are building! Maybe you are at your first job, a transition job, your last job or no job... God wants you to give your best everyday. Give your best to your co-workers, your boss, your suppliers, your customers, your children, your husband, your wife, your parents.... Colossains shows us how to live a life that pleases God. The verse that I want to direct you to spells it out as plain as can be... Colossians 3:17 NIV
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Exodus 17:8-13 shows us Joshua going into battle against the Amalekites and Moses going up to a hill to raise his hands to God. As Moses hands were held high Joshua would take the upper hand in the fighting but as Moses' hands grew tired and his hands fell Joshua would begin to lose.

As I was reading this, something occurred to me... When Joshua was losing they didn't send reinforcements to help him regain the battle. They instead had people help Moses, one on each side to keep his hands steady till sunset. This is the key to this story, without help Moses would not have been able to aide the battle. And because he was able to keep his hands held high, Joshua overcame the enemy!!

A Pastor in Redding, CA once said that Joshua is the younger generation and Moses represents the older generation. It wasn't Joshua's battle tactic or strength that won, it was the people behind him raising their arms in surrender, praying for the victory!

Who in your life is the "older" generation?  They are the ones behind the scenes praying for you, so that you prevail! They are key to your success! When there are people behind us supporting us, praying for us, fasting for us... how could we fail!

Pray for them! 

Ask God to refresh them! If they are weary to make them strong!
To revive them! Send people that will come along beside them to help them!
To reveal things to them! To show his love!

And final thought... Who are you the "older" generation to?

Friday, June 3, 2011


Matthew 19:23-24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

How many times have I read these verses with a saddened heart... how sad for those rich people who do not want to give up their wealth and possessions for the kingdom of God? The young man talked about earlier in this passage walked away from the promise of eternal life because he had great wealth. HE WHAT?? WHY would he do that?? Because he was comfortable! He didn't want to change his lifestyle; he didn't want to give up what he worked so hard to gain!

How many times do we find ourselves thinking this same way?! We might not have the great wealth this young man had, but we do have things that make us "comfortable". Americans are one of the most "comfortable" people; we go to extremes to make sure we don't feel uncomfortable. We buy nice houses, cars, clothing...we have our retirement accounts, stocks, savings, emergency funds. We do all of this to set up our make sure we can provide for ourselves.

What about God? What about what he wants from our lives? He has called us to live "uncomfortably"! He has called us to sacrifice everything, to be willing to give all we have, to give up our cars, our houses, our savings! What a concept! In our society it’s looked on as foolishness, as not being prepared. But God is our preparer; he wants us to rely on him!

It’s a hard thing to do, especially for me! I am a preparer, I have to know what and how things are going to happen. I feel safe knowing I have the means to live comfortably ...and when I am challenged to live a sacrificing lifestyle, it’s hard for me!! But I don't want my "wealth", my comfortableness, to be a hindrance to what God can do through my life!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Attitude

Do you ever have a day where you catch yourself rolling your eyes, mumbling under your breath, back talking.... I could go on right? We all know the expression " I woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Do you think Jesus ever used that excuse? Maybe their saying was more like "I tied my sandals too tight today." But really think about it. My bad attitude is a choice that I make. Yes maybe your boss is a jerk, or your co-workers are mean, or your car broke down again... But how can making a choice to have a good attitude effect other people? How can it effect me? What's standing in your way of making he right choice? Come on you know you sleep on the same side of the bed every night, make it the right side every morning! :)
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our First Blog

As many of you may know Amber and I are not big "techys"! Don't get us wrong we love our smart phones, computers and such. But you will rarely see us on Facebook, we've probably never "poked" you...:) However, God has really put it on our hearts to pour out what we are reading, listening and thinking about. Join us on our journey... that may include some run on sentences and bad grammar! :)
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