That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
I want/need to be a HEALTHY, a PROSPEROUS tree. What is a healthy/prosperous tree? One that yields the right fruit in the right season! God has called you to be a certain kind of tree. You may be bearing fruit, but is it the right kind? If you planted an apple tree and one season it produced cherries, or what if after that mid season it switched to lemons!? Yes, you would still have fruit, but not the kind you planted/purposed for that tree! Matthew 12:13 (NIV) talks about a "tree is recognized by its fruit." Most people won't know a walnut tree or a pear tree or a whatelse grows on trees? .... until they see the fruit! (Unless you are my husband, but my little horticultural geek does not count) God has a purpose and a plan for all of the trees that he plants! Ask yourself: 1) are you bearing fruit?
2) are you bearing the fruit that He (God) designed you for?
If you answered "no" or "maybe" or "I'm not sure" to either questions then talk to God, seek and pray AND stay tuned for "part two" because we will dig into more of Ps 1:3!
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