Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Exodus 17:8-13 shows us Joshua going into battle against the Amalekites and Moses going up to a hill to raise his hands to God. As Moses hands were held high Joshua would take the upper hand in the fighting but as Moses' hands grew tired and his hands fell Joshua would begin to lose.

As I was reading this, something occurred to me... When Joshua was losing they didn't send reinforcements to help him regain the battle. They instead had people help Moses, one on each side to keep his hands steady till sunset. This is the key to this story, without help Moses would not have been able to aide the battle. And because he was able to keep his hands held high, Joshua overcame the enemy!!

A Pastor in Redding, CA once said that Joshua is the younger generation and Moses represents the older generation. It wasn't Joshua's battle tactic or strength that won, it was the people behind him raising their arms in surrender, praying for the victory!

Who in your life is the "older" generation?  They are the ones behind the scenes praying for you, so that you prevail! They are key to your success! When there are people behind us supporting us, praying for us, fasting for us... how could we fail!

Pray for them! 

Ask God to refresh them! If they are weary to make them strong!
To revive them! Send people that will come along beside them to help them!
To reveal things to them! To show his love!

And final thought... Who are you the "older" generation to?

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